
22 April 2010

Wagner 2010 - Tokyo

This coming weekend –April 24 and 25--, the association Pen Collectors of Japan organizes its annual pen show by the name of Wagner. The event will take place in Ebisu, Tokyo, at the EBIS303 Hall on Subaru building (see map here: Hopefully, there will be some signs for anybody who wanted to attend it. The entrance fee is Y2000 on Saturday, and Y1000 on Sunday.

Not much information in the Internet can be found on this event. And only members of the organizing association are allowed to participate as pen traders. Mo' power to them! but it does not seem to be a very wise idea to increase the number of pens in circulation in the very closed market of Japan. Unless, that is, traders were trying to keep it closed to be able to charge unrealistically high prices for some of their pens.

That is, actually, the case of foreign pens –i. e. non-Japanese made—in Japan. Few traders in Tokyo have a de-facto oligopoly, controlling the supply of those pens, and asking for outrageous prices when compared to those in other countries.

Anyway, such is the Japanese market and, so far, we have little options. In any event, this very parochial attitude is bound to change –like them or not—through international auction websites, on-line shops and traders, and even by traveling overseas to truly international pen shows.

Despite all this, I will attend this Wagner 2010 event. Hope to see you there.

(Waterman Laureat – Pilot Black)

Bruno Taut
(Inagi, April 21, 2010)
[labels: Japón, Tokyo, evento]


anele said...

¿Cheaper fee on Sunday?
Aquí no somos tan generosos, pagas lo mismo aunque ya sólo queden las migajas, ja, ja. Carácter ibérico.
Ya he visto a la enfermera en fotos. Sin palabras.

Bruno Taut said...

Dicen que el segundo día no merece la pena, pero no es esa mi experiencia. Basta además leer la entrada referida al desarrollo del evento:

Me gustaria saber de vuestros encuentros: ¿cuál es el asunto de los mismos? ¿Qué tipo de otaku acude?

Gracias por tus comentarios.

Indaq said...

Everything is about pen yeah?

Bruno Taut said...


Yes, it is all about pens, mostly fountain pens. By the way, there is a good pen shop in Kuala Lumpur.

Thanks for commenting.

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