
01 August 2010


Pilot Company celebrated its 90th anniversary in 2008. To commemorate this event, many of us know, Pilot created the limited edition M90 fountain pen. Limited but not so limited—9000 units, Pilot says, made it widely available.

Much less known is the fact that Pilot also lunched two other fountain pens. The most exclusive one is a maki-e Emperor size of which only 90 units were crafted.

More widely available was a radenmaki-e with small pieces of shells— pen. There were 900 of them. And during the past Wagner pen clinic I had the opportunity to test and photograph this raden pen.

(Platinum WG Tang Dynasty – Platinum Black)

Bruno Taut
(Inagi, August1 2010)
[labels: Pilot, evento]


anele said...

Oh!! con trocitos de conchas??

Y mira que os gusta la M90...:)

Bruno Taut said...

¿A ti no te gusta?

Conchas o cáscaras de huevo...

Gracias por el comentario.


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