
28 October 2013

New Batch

(Some modifications to the original post were added on Nov 4th, 2013)

I think I could see this coming. The ink business is too profitable for companies to give up on milking that cow. And the trick of limited releases –that cheap marketing strategy—worked well among pen, and ink, aficionados.

So, here we go again. After the success of the four series of seasonal inks Sailor marketed between December 2009 and July 2010, this company had settled down with a gamut of nine basic (Jentle), released in April 2011, and two nanopigmented inks. Plus, should we add, the number of custom-made inks for several shops in Japan.

Sailor-made inks for the stationery shop Bung Box in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka.

And that has just changed. Sailor has released a new batch of inks in a limited release. It is the so-called Sherbet Colors. This new line is composed of four different inks in pink, purple, blue and green (mint). The price, as was the usual policy of Sailor, is the same as that of regular, unlimited, Jentle inks: JPY 1000, plus tax, for 50 ml.

These inks have some transparent quality, although some might just say they showed very little saturation. The colors shown on the picture are very broad approximations to the real tones.

These Sherbet inks, as can be seen on the picture, come in transparent boxes made of plastic. The packaging is very similar to that of Platinum’s Mix Free inks.

Lamy Safari 150 Jahre Freundschaft – Pelikan Brilliant Brown

Bruno Taut
Yokohama, October 28th, 2013
etiquetas: Sailor, tinta, mercado, Platinum

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