
18 February 2016

Early Pilot Nibs. VII. Size 5

Here I am resuming the description of early Pilot nibs. We have already seen that there is not much consistency in those number other that, in general, bigger numbers mean bigger nibs.

Size 5 nibs by Pilot are very rare, but indeed they existed. I have only found one such example in a “hoshiawase” pen (::1::, ::2::). The nib is dated in 1927 and it is very likely to be correct for this pen.

The text on the nib already shows this was an early pen, from the 1920s.

The engraving of the date is very clear on this nib: March of 1927.

Manufacturing date .March 1927.
Length (mm) 28.1
Width (mm) 7.1
Feed diameter (mm) ---
Weight (g) ---
Material 14 K Au
Basic data of a Pilot nibs of size 5. Feed diameter and weight will be added in some days.

The section of the hoshiawase pen. The sealing cylinders are visible at the back.

My thanks to Mr. A Zúñiga.

Inoxcrom Corinthian – Sailor Yama-dori

Bruno Taut
Nakano, February 17th, 2015
etiquetas: Pilot, plumín

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