Lately, Jinhao has released an oversized pen with a size 8 nib—the Jinhao Dadao 9019. In essence, this is a torpedo-shape pen, with very clean lines, made of plastic. Its overal shape and proportions ressemble those of some pens made by the Ban-ei group of artisans (and a number of small operations making jumbo pens). The actual dimensions of this pen are as follow:
Length closed: 142.4 mm
Length open: 130.3 mm
Length posted: 171.0 mm
Diameter: 19.1 mm (cap), 16.3 mm (barrel)
Weight: 31,5 g (dry)
Ink deposit: 2.2 ml
The barrel diameter, 16.3 mm, is slightly smaller than that of a 6-bu jumbo pen. However, the proportions seem basically preserved, rendering a very familiar pen... albeit with some interesting additions.
First and foremost, this pen is a cartridge-converter, and accepts short (0.7 ml) and long (1.45 ml) international cartridges, and standard converters. But the pen comes with its own converter that takes benefit of the oversized barrel—a girthier, larger converter holding 2.2 ml of ink.
Not a new idea —Sailor used this same strategy in the 1960s for its model Magna L-, but is seldom seen in the industry.
A second detail, very common in Japanese pens, is the o-ring on the thread coupling the barrel and the section. This rubber gasket secures the connection between those two parts, and some users might feel tempted to eyedropper this pen, but first they should seal the tail hole on the barrel.
On the negative side, the pen lacks an inner cap, and this absence might cause premature drying of the nib, although it does not seem the case during the days I have been using this pen.
The nib, a size 8 made of steel, had the options of EF, F and M nib points. Out of the box, my unit was dry and a bit rough, Some adjustment was done and now it writes smoothly and with an adequate flow. The conclusion is that this nib is correct, but it is not fully finished when leaving the factory.
All in all, the Jinhao Dadao 9019 is a very interesting pen, in particular when the price –about EUR 13, or even less— is taken into account.
On the other hand, the problems we see on it, however, are those common to many (PR) Chinese pens—lack of nib points, mediocre quality control, and limited distribution channels.
PS: At the time of publishing this Chronicle I took the pen from the pouch where I had carried it around for some days. Actually, I had not open the pen for over a week. And much to my surprise, the cap was filled with ink, and the converter was almost empty, and this, given the high capacity of the ink deposit, can be a very dirty issue. None of the other three pens in the pouch had this problem. So, we might need to handle this pen with care. Caution is adviced.
Jinhao Dadao 9019 – Platinum Black
Bruno Taut
September 2nd, 2023
etiquetas: Jinhao, China, mercado
Bruno Taut
September 2nd, 2023
etiquetas: Jinhao, China, mercado
Excelente explicación de un modelo que he estado considerando adquirir. Dices que esta pluma admite convertidores estándar, ¿significa esto que el convertidor de 2,2 ml que trae la pluma tiene una embocadura que permite su acople con plumas de otras marcas que también admiten el cartucho estándar?
Por otra parte, has citado la Sailor Magna L, modelo que desconozco, como un precedente de la Jinhao Dadao: ¿Qué pasó con la Sailor Magna? Parece una propuesta tan interesante que me cuesta entender que no se siga produciendo.
Gracias y enhorabuena por la crónica.
If you accept the limitations of what can be delivered for the price, the 9019 is an excellent way to see how you feel about big, lightweight pens with #8 nibs. Probably a pen to sit on a desk though, not one that gets to venture out into the World. I didn't know about the 1960's Sailor cartridge convertor though! Thanks
Gracias, Waterman´s 13.
Sí, en principio el conversor de la 9019 podría usarse en otras plumas siempre que cupiera en ellas y la rosca con la que se acopla a su pluma original no interfiriera. Tal vez sean demasiados requisitos para ese transplante.
De la Sailor Magna L tendré que hacer un texto en un futuro próximo. SI bien es una idea sugerente, me pregunto si hay tantos usuarios a los que les convenza esa idea: por un lado queremos depósitos grandes, por otro queremos cambiar de tinta con frecuencia.
Gracias por pasar y comentar. Saludos,
Maybe I am a bit too fond of big pens, but I am carrying this Jinhao with me very often--without fear of losing it, actually.
About the Sailor Magna L, I might need to prepare some text on that pen.
Thanks for passing by and commenting.
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