But in Japan, I was saying, the case seems different. Pilot’s Capless family of pens –more a concept than a single pen given the number of variations and evolutions along almost 50 years of history—is one of them. Another is the all metal pocket pen Myu 701, also made by Pilot. Both, Capless and Myu, fit the three characteristics previously mentioned: well known, well documented, relatively common.

The obvious question is why these differences between Western and Japanese markets. Why didn’t other Japanese companies –other than Pilot, that is-- create true symbols of their brands? Is that something that is done on purpose? Is it a secondary effect of the great admiration for foreign pens Japanese stylophiles profess?

On another text I will speak about another possible icon, or almost-icon, in Japan.
hola. quiero saber que pluma es la verde (la que esta al lado de la roja) y si se puede conseguir en algun lugar.
Se trata de una Capless de 1981. Es un modelo común relativamente fácil de encontrar. Claro que depende del mercado donde uno se encuentre... Cuantos más detalles se proporcionan, más información se puede ofrecer.
Gracias por el comentario.
Muchas gracias por la información... ¿usted sabe donde comprarla? Si tuviera idea de alguna página para comprarla le estría eternamente agradecida.
Póngase en contacto conmigo por correo electrónico, por favor: katsura punto rikyu arroba gmail punto com
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