A close inspection of the pen unveils even more questions while answering almost nothing. Everything on this pen says Japan, and especially Platinum.
Both the nib and the cap are engraved with the traditional logo of this well-known Japanese company showing the initials of the founder Shunichi Nakata. And the only reference to the actual name of the Spanish company is the imprint on the barrel: “PRESIDENTE / Registrada”. Inside, an aerometric system is in charge on inking the pen. No more information is available.
Therefore, the field is open for questions: How did this Platinum pen become Spanish? When did that happen? Is there any Platinum model similar to this pen?

With thanks to Mr. Alberto Linares, who found this pen. I am only the writer of this story.

Bruno Taut
April 24, 2011
[labels: Platinum, Presidente, España, Japón]
P. S. (July 9th, 2011): More information, on the chronicle entitled "Honest Pen".
P. S. II (December 1st, 2011): Two more Presidente pens found. The report is entitled "More Spanish Platinum".