It is hard to pinpoint where and when the first rumors originated, but by the end of December they had reached many of us. Then, actual docs generated by Platinum reached Facebook and the rumor became news. Since then –if not from before-- Platinum has managed the tempo to raise a great anxiety in many of us. Short videos, pics, early sale events, controversies on the price (in the US), plain information... All that repeated, re-broadcasted, and relayed by many of us on social media, blogs, and videos. And now we are waiting for that day in which the pen will be finally and openly for sale.
Well done, Platinum!
This strategy contrasts with what Pilot has done with the latest version of the Capless—the Capless LS.
It might only be that there is not that much new on this later iteration of the well-known model, but Pilot failed at making it exciting.

The Capless LS as it appeared on the Pilot website.
Source: Pilot press release at (retrieved on 4/Jan/2020).
Some might appreciate this absence of induced anxiety about the new release, but I doubt it was a wise move to increase the sales of the new pen.
And so, we are mostly speaking of the Curidas and not of the Capless LS.
Sailor FL Black Luster – Sailor Black
Bruno Taut
Nakano, February 3rd 2020
etiquetas: Pilot, Platinum, capless, redes sociales
Bruno Taut
Nakano, February 3rd 2020
etiquetas: Pilot, Platinum, capless, redes sociales
Yes there was only a "test pen" available at the LA Pen Show. I handled it and wrote a few words with it, but had to give it back so quickly that it was hard to come up with any take away opinion, other than its a retractable pen, and it seems to write fine.
Exactly, dputydwg--not enough to create an opinion. Yes, it writes well, it handles well. And we have to wait.
Thanks for passing by and commenting.
I've said it before: That's one ugly pen...
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