04 November 2022

The Lamy Naginata?

Not much new can be said about the Lamy Safari—a 1980 design by Wolfgang Fabian endlessly reissued and copied. And Lamy regularly uses it for yearly limited editions and regional variations.

In 2022, Lamy has released the Lamy Kanji in East Asia. But this edition, developed by Lamy Hong Kong, is more more than just a variation of colors, as is the case of those special editions above mentioned. On this occasion, Lamy came with an original nib—the Kanji nib.

Interestingly enough, the explanations on the specifics of the nib come in Chinese, English and Thai.

The variations with respect to the regular Safari nib –the Z50 nib- are easy to spot: longer and narrower tines, and a specific nib point akin to a fine architect.

The selling argument is that this nib is more suitable for writing Chinese ideograms... Well, just like Sailor claimed re the Nagahara's Naginata.

The Kanji nib offers some line variation on the angle between pen and paper. Not extreme, but noticeable.

So, is this the Lamy version of the Sailor Naginata Togi nib?

The price of the Safari Kanji is JPY 6000, plus taxes, which is 50% more expensive than a regular, non-Kanji, Safari.

Lamy Safari Kanji – Franklin Christoph Urushi Red.

Bruno Taut
November 3rd, 2022
etiquetas: Lamy, plumín, mercado

02 November 2022

Western Paradise. Madrid Pen Show 2022

Comes November and the Spanish pen community get ready for the big party, for the “fiesta mayor”, the Madrid Pen Show. And it also happens to be the biggest pen show in Europe.

This year there is a new venue—Hotel VP El Madrono—and the party will take place between Friday 18th and Sunday 20th of November.

After the full-of-hope event of last year's, this one promises to be more normal, more free, and more populated. And with many pens!

Madrid Pen Show 2021.

So, go West, paradise is there.

See you in Madrid!

Lamy Safari Kanji - Franklin-Christoph Urushi Red

Bruno Taut
November 2nd 2022
labels: evento, Madrid

31 October 2022

Eboya tan-pen

Very often, speaking about Eboya implies some element of frustration—that of Eboya pens being exclusively cartridge-converters. And when not —the nominally eyedropper model Yuzen—, they still are cartridge-converters.

So, the Eboya market policy seems limited to release new models and new ebonite colors as long as the filling system did not change. And such is the case of the newer model, the tan-pen (in lower case).

The Eboya tan-pen. Only 97 mm long.

Its originality comes from its size: very small, very short; just 97 mm in length closed. And the well-known Eboya construction quality does the rest: the cap posts very securely onto the barrel. The result is a regular sized pen, even if on the shorter side. The price to pay is that it can only be inked with short cartridges (or as eyedropper).

Very secure posting. 133 mm long.

A size 5 nib by Bock. Note the new logo of the brand on the cap.

The tan-pen is certainly attractive and original, and represents a new approach to pens in the Eboya catalog. My only complain is that the company does not make it in black—you can choose almost any color but black. A black tan-pen, though, is available at sale events as a demonstration pen for potential customers, but is not for sale.

Any color but black.

These are the dimensions of the tan-pen:

Length closed: 97 mm
Length open: 91 mm
Length posted: 133 mm
Diameter: 12.2 mm
Weight: 11.7 g (dry)
Ink deposit: 0.8 ml (short standard cartridge)

The price, JPY 31200, plus taxes.

Lamy Accent – Franklin Christoph Urushi Red.

Bruno Taut
October 31st, 2022
etiquetas: Eboya, mercado

21 October 2022

Ohashido (IV)

Different craftsman, different quality. That is what we saw on the previous Chronicle Ôhashidô (III). But was it just that?

A tray of Ôhashidô pens by Yûichi Uehara (Maruzen Nihonbashi, Tokyo, 2019).

The current production of Ôhashidô pens, made by Yûichi Uehara, is anything but structured. What you see on his table at sale events is what you get. There are no model names, no documents attached, no warranty card... At most we have some features that show up on a number of his pens, but not always. Current Ôhashidô pens can be very simple or very “giboshi”; in plain ebonite or with some form of urushi coating; black or colorful;… And in the end, each of them is unique.

The Eiichi Uehara's Ôhashidô pen.

On the contrary, Eiichi Uehara attached a lot more information on his pens. One of the documents, in fact, describes the three models of Ôhashidô pens available at the time:

Pro I (プロI): The luxury pen, recommended for long writing sessions. It implements two movable rings, one of them made of 18 K gold, to adjust the balance of the pen.

Pro II (プロII): For regular use. Three rings, two close to the nib and one on the cap.

Pro III (プロIII): The entry level pen. Two rings.

The revealing text. The diagram corresponds to a Pro I pen.

So there was a structure in the production of pens under the direction of Eiichi Uehara! And chances are that his son Yuichi chose a different route for Ôhashidô; the current route of unique pens.

My thanks to Poplicola-san.

Lamy Accent – Franklin Christoph Urushi Red.

Bruno Taut
October 21st, 2022
etiquetas: Ôhashidô

12 October 2022

Ohashido (III)

Some more on Ôhashidô (::1::, ::2::), the small one-man operation from Sendai.

We saw on past texts that Ôhashidô traces its history back to 1912, but the production of pens only started in the late 1950s by the hand of Eiichi Uehara, who founded Ôhashidô Ltd. in 1965. He was in charge of the company until 2010, when he passed it onto his son Yûichi, the current craftsman behind the operation.

Therefore, there are Ôhashidô pens by the hand of Eiichi as there are by his son Yûichi. How do they compare?

The pen on this first picture was manufactured by Eiichi Uehara.

An Ôhashidô pen by Eiichi Uehara.

The most clear difference is the better polishing on the older pen by Eiichi. Then, the whole construction and fitting seems more refined as well.

Father's (bottom), and son's (top).

It is labeled –twice-- on the rings: “J. S. U. ÔHASIDÔ SINCE 1912”. The nib, a 14 K unit by Sailor, carries the usual engraving we can still see nowadays. The Sailor logo is also included but hidden under the section. This particular unit is not dated.

The Sailor nib with the "Ôhasidô" engraving.

These are the dimensions of this older pen:
Length closed: 138 mm
Length open: 125 mm
Length posted: 154 mm
Diameter: 13.3 mm
Weight: 22 g
Ink deposit: 0.7 ml (converter) – 1.2 ml (cartridge)

This older pen is also more generous in all that is not the pen. The “kiribako” --the paulownia wooden box-- is basically the same in both old and new pens, but the old unit came with a pen case and three documents: an instruction sheet, a booklet explaining the history of the brand, and a third sheet describing the pen itself.

The pen and the box. Note the signed pen case.

And what we see on those documents is as interesting as the pen itself, but that will be the topic of the next Chronicle.

Ohashido Pro III – Lamy Dark Lilac

Bruno Taut
October 5th 2022
etiquetas: Ohashido

28 September 2022


What kind of pens become anniversary pens? Among those made by the big three Japanese pen companies we can see three basic strategies.

– The most daring and expensive strategy is the creation of a new pen model for the occasion—a new pen with a new nib.

Such was the case of a number of commemorative pens by Pilot—the 65 in 1983, the Shijin pair in 1988... Platinum did the same with the piston filler of 1989 for its 70th anniversary. Sailor got close to it at the time of its 95th anniversary (2006) with the release of the first Realo pen.

Pilot 75th anniversary. After some minor variations it became the Custom 845.

Pilot, however, stands apart on this strategy as this company often transformed those limited editions in regular models, albeit with (minimal) variations. Thus, the 65 became the Custom 67; the Shijin became the Namikis Yukari Royale and Urushi 20, the 75th anniversary pen became the Custom 845...

– A second strategy is to revive some old successful or iconic model.

The original (bottom) and the reissue (top). The Myu-71 (1971) and the M90 (2008).

This was the case of two commemorative pens by Pilot—The M90 (2008) and the Elite 95s (2013). Both followed the patterns of the pocket pens popular in Japan in the 1960s and 1970s. The M90, modeled after the all steel Myu-701 (1971) was a limited edition of 9000 units. The Elite 95s, a renewed version of the second generation of the Pilot pocket pen, later became a regular model in the Pilot catalog, and the commemorative pen ended up diluted in the sea of regular pens.

Pilot's Elite 95s --the three pens on the left hand side-- together with their originals.

– Finally, companies use a third option—get a well known pen in the regular catalog and decorate it for the occasion. This decoration can be almost anything—from a very elaborate urushi-based pattern to a simple inscription on the body or nib.

Sailor's centennary pen. Variations on the well-known theme of the large Profit nib.

Examples of this are very numerous—Sailor's centenary pen, Platinum 25G in carbon fiber for the 90th anniversary (2009), Pilot's centenary flat top pen (2018), etc.

Many ways to celebrate an event or anniversary, some more expensive than others. But the bottom line is that these commemorative pens hold their value and are appreciated and sought after by the aficionado. At least, that is, if they were distinctive –even if marginally-- and were limited runs.

And all that because we, stylophiles, are very easy.

Sailor Candy Smurf – Unknown ink

Bruno Taut
September 27th, 2022
etiquetas: mercado, Japón, estilofilia

21 September 2022

100th Anniversary (III)

We have seen two affordable fountain pens (::1::, ::2::) Pilot made to commemorate its 100th anniversary. However, none of those was marketed. Instead, Pilot chose more elaborated and expensive pens to put them in the market.

The two clandestine centenary pens of Pilot's.

And what these affordable pens show is that not much is needed to create a commemorative edition: engrave a descriptive text on the body or on the nib of a regular model and claim it is a very limited release.

But there was a time, not that long ago, when Pilot –and other brands-- used anniversary pens to try new products and test the market. Such was the case of the 65th anniversary pen—the first modern balance model by Pilot--, or the Shijin pair for the 80th anniversary, later to become the Namiki Yukari Royale and Namiki Urushi 20; to name just a couple of them.

This strategy could understandably imply higher selling prices, but on this recent occasion –and big one it was--, Pilot followed a more traditional approach. Pilot chose a couple of well known canvases and decorated them lavishly and sold them at a premium—no innovation, no affordable prices. There was, though, an exception—the seven ring-top pens with maki-e decoration in a very limited edition of 25 set, but their prices were simply obscene (USD 48000).

USD 48000.

But Pilot did make affordable anniversary pens!

The side effect might be that these quasi secret pens might become all the more valuable in some years given their obscurity.

Pilot Custom 74-Yamada Seisakuzho – Diamine Graphite

Bruno Taut
September 10th, 2022
etiquetas: Pilot, mercado