Last Sunday (June 20th), the monthly Wagner association Pen Clinic took place. As in previous occasions, lots of magnificent fountain pens gathered in there, together with their happy owners.Today’s report will focus only on one pen: Mr. Yamada’s tuned Pelikan M800. On a first look, it appears to be a regular green stripped M800 with a BB nib.
It writes very smoothly, and is very wet. But that is usually the case with these Birds and, more particularly, with thick nibs.
But if looked sideways to the nib, things start to change:
The nib is, say, two-folded.Mr. Yamada is an expert in tuning nibs in order to make them to perform in new ways. Most of his creations have the purpose of making them a lot more flexible. He drills holes here and there weakening the structure of the nib.
Junior 14 K gold Sailor nib with two drills on the sides to increase the flexibility. Note also the enlargement of the breathing hole to add more ink flow (by letting air in) to cope with the increased demand of ink. This time, he opted for making a very broad nib with a big flux to cope with that big demand of ink.
Sure enough, this nib reminds of those wonderful creations by Sailor nibmeister Mr. Nagahara.The next Wagner Pen Clinic will be celebrated on July 25th, Sunday, at the usual venue.
(Soennecken 110 – Waterman Florida Blue)
Bruno Taut
(Inagi, June 21, 2010)
[labels: Pelikan, plumín, evento, Sailor, Tokyo]
Now that is eye-popping work. Does Mr. Yamada take on commissions? I would love a nib crafted by him.
No tenía ni idea de que se pudiera tunear un plumín ¡¡duplicándolo!! ¿Qué efectos tiene? escritura más gruesa supongo, pero ¿realmente es más flexible llevando doble capa?
Thanks for the comments.
Anele: creo que no has entendido la entrada. El plumín doble escribe mucho más grueso y con mucho caudal de tinta, y eso hace que sea un plumín muy suave.
Pero al duplicarlo no se hace más flexible. Más bien al contrario, más rígido. Lo que digo en el texto es que la mayoría de los trabajos del Sr. Yamada consisten en modificar los plumines (y los alimentadores) con objeto de hacerlos más flexibles. Ése es el caso del plumín Sailor de la imagen insertada en el texto.
Ya decía yo que llevar 2 hojas metálicas en realidad restaría flexibilidad..
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